death by chocolate

Yes...I realize that this is the third consecutive chocolate-related post in the past month...Given my incessant craving for chocolate, I should probably be diagnosed with addiction. I can't go a day without a dose of some form of chocolate. It's good. 
(me on Valentine's day...yeah, it was bad...)

But ANYWAY, back to my intended subject...

In light of the recent NY Times article deeming Durham (surprisingly) as one of the top 41 places to go in 2011, I decided it was time to actually venture outside of campus and discover the mysterious unknown. Okay, not that dramatic. But in all seriousness, I knew of a few unique and worthwhile places in Durham and I'd occasionally go to the farmer's market but I had never really explored the "revitalized" Durham that supposedly has a bunch of outstanding restaurants and cafes scattered around downtown. Partly because I'm lazy and partly, yeah that was my only excuse. Pathetic, I know. When I actually did get over my laziness, I thought I'd start out with one of the places mentioned in the article. Scratch bakery is this cute little bakery/dessert shop on some random, hard to find street (probably because I suck at directions) in downtown. Everything looked SO GOOD. How good? That sea salt sprinkled dark chocolate croustade good (see above pictures). It was half gone before I could take a picture of it. My friend also had their molten chocolate cake, which was also to-die-for. literally. almost. It was fudgy and molten-y on the inside and the edges had a slight crisp to it...basically the perfect combination. 

okay...must find some chocolate now...

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