cookie monster

i forgot how good simple chocolate chip and oatmeal cookies are. 
i made these for a graduation party that was being hosted at my house last saturday and they are absolutely irresistible. i probably had about five before they made it to the serving plate. there's something so comforting about taking a bite out of a freshly-baked, home-made cookie. yumm.

oatmeal cookies

1/2 cup butter
1/2 cup applesauce
1/4 cup brown sugar
1/4 cup sugar
2 eggs
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon baking soda
3 cups oats
1/2 cup chopped pecans
chill dough, then bake at 350 degrees for 10 minutes
[derived from the pioneer woman's recipe]

chocolate chip cookies

2 1/4 cups all purpose flours
1/2 cup butter
1/2 cup applesauce
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon baking soda
1/8 cup sugar
3/4 cups brown sugar
1 egg
1 egg yolk
2 tablespoons of milk
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 1/2 cups semi-sweet chocolate chips
chill dough, then bake at 375 degrees for 12 minutes
[derived from alton brown's recipe]


[tfs, frenchfrosting]

carrot cake!

i was really eager to try out the biscuit cutters that i bought the other day so i decided to use them to cut the carrot cake into little circular slices. thankfully, the cake wasn't that crumbly so it held its shape. 
i used a little less than a cup of sugar rather than the two cups that it called for but the same amount of oil. it still turned out pretty sweet and cake-like so i might try to use even less sugar next time and maybe substitute applesauce for some of the oil.
as for the icing, i'm not sure how to make it have a thicker consistency. it was more like a thick liquid rather than a cream, which was a little disappointing. it was also less homogenous as i imagined it to be. need to work on that...

dissecting the cookie

now that exams are over and done with, i've been able to spend more time indulging myself in the sweet world of baking. making birthday cupcakes and brownies for special occasions have become insufficient in satiating my desire to bake. i am literally baking something every other day now. 
anyway, the recipes that i've found online tend to be sweeter and unhealthier than i'd like (of course..sigh) so i usually cut down on the sugar and substitute the oil with applesauce but then sometimes it ends up having a strange texture. so that got me thinking about the effects of changing up the amount of ingredients so of course i googled it and this is what it found for me..

margarine and shortening helps keep the cookies' pre-baked shape
since butter melts at body temperature, addition of butter causes the cookies to become flatter

sugar generates flatter cookies because it liquefies under high temperatures
white sugar creates crispier cookies
brown sugar absorbs moisture from the air after baking, allowing the cookies to remain chewy

flour gives the cookie more substance but allows it to spread more in the oven
 the more flour is added, the more the cookie crumbles

baking powder/soda
both baking powder and baking soda help leaven the cookie by producing carbon dioxide
baking soda is sodium bicarbonate, which produces bubbles of carbon dioxide when mixed with an acidic substance, causing the dough to rise and expand in the oven. baking soda promotes the browning of cookies.
baking powder includes sodium bicarbonate, cream of tartar, and starch. since there is already an acidic agent in the powder (cream of tartar), it will not neutralize the dough and the cookie will be puffier and the color will be lighter.

addition of eggs will create a puffier cookie. 
egg yolks bind the dough and produce crisper and richer cookies
egg whites produce puffier and drier cookies

  • Flat If you want your cookies on the flat side, you can do some or all of the following things: Use all butter, use all-purpose flour or bread flour, increase the sugar content slightly, add a bit of liquid to your dough, and bring the dough to room temperature before baking.
  • Puffy For light, puffy cookies, use shortening or margarine and cut back on the amount of fat; add an egg, cut back on the sugar, use cake flour or pastry flour, use baking powder instead of baking soda and refrigerate your dough before baking.
  • Chewy Try melting the butter before adding it to the sugars when mixing. Remove cookies from the oven a few minutes before they are done, while their centers are still soft but are just cooked through. The edges should be golden. Use brown sugar, honey or molasses as a sweetener. Let cookies cool on the pan for several minutes after baking before transferring to cooling rack.
  • Crispy For crisp, crunchy cookies, use all butter and a proportion of white sugar. Use egg yolks in place of a whole egg. Cookies should be baked completely. Let cool on the baking sheet for one minute before transferring to a cooling rack.
  • [allrecipes, eater's digest, about]
next mission: make the perfect cookie

completely random

we saw a rainbow around the sun today during lunch. apparently it's commonly called a "sundog" and appears when high clouds made of ice crystals refract the sunlight.
lunar moth

i only had my phone, so the picture quality isn't that great unfortunately. but they're really good live!

lemon curd cheesecake

low-fat lemon curd cheesecake
with blackberries (because we ate the raspberries) and whipped cream

made this for mother's day. i thought a citrus flavored cheesecake would be fitting given the sunny weather we've been having lately. i used a foodnetwork recipe as sort of a guideline but played around with some of the ingredients and measurements to try to make it healthier. it was still pretty sweet so i'll probably use less sugar next time. and raspberries, the blackberries look a little big and overbearing.



i've been wanting some since last summer (after going to camp with this kid who wore them everyday. he rocked them so well) but haven't been able to find any reasonably priced ones yet. i was thinking about buying these frilly lace ones from forever 21 a while back, but then my friend bought them..but it's ok because I think i want leather ones anyway..

Kimchi Blue Macrame Flap Tassel Purse

finally bought a cross-body purse. i was going to wait until we went to san francisco (senior trip!!!) to find one but i happened to stumble upon this on at urban outfitters the other day.