the final exhibition

the fashion majors. beautiful.
her paintings are absolutely amazing.
i can't get over them.
i'm sad i didn't get to take more pictures...
everyone's artwork was awesome.

architecture! the fruits of our labors.

final plan.
part of our architecture exhibit pathway.

running around oakland.

the meal.
(ok, it was my first time there...i had to take pictures...)

crazy tree.

it was perfect until one of them dove into the water.

happy fourth of july!!!

watching fireworks from fisherman's wharf.
ahhh independence.
i think it's pier 39..or fisherman's wharf.. i don't really know the difference.

california, here we come//right back where we started from

somewhere near the MOMA.
santa cruz: the boardwalk
santa cruz: the beach!!!
santa cruz!

random pictures from today

random boy chasing a squirrel at the park. so cute.

squirrel! I was so close...

my very clean dorm room.

san francisco!

the trolley.
union square. i absolutely love it.
union square from the cheesecake factory's patio.
failing at trying to be artistic. it's just the railroad.
this man makes key chains and rings out of spoons and forks. so cool!
no comment.
i love them.

architecture camp: week one

string enclosures.